those four little letters can be so intimidating.
How do we conquer fear? Eliminating fear is a simple task if for one second we could stop being so afraid to do it. To face our fears head-on means going to some dirty and ugly places. Places we're absolutely terrified of. Places we'd rather hide or run from. Places we'd rather die before visiting (... yeah that was a little dark, i apologize).
Running --- literally means to move quickly, and figuratively means to move quickly away.
I've been running for years. So afraid to admit everything I am ashamed of, so afraid to admit all the wrong I've done, all the hurt I've caused, so afraid to forgive those who hurt me. So afraid to just take responsibility for my life.
How sad huh? It's true tho.
but I'm human, ok. So yes there's alot I fear. A lot of things that make life so ... scary.
But what I can say.. the advice I am trying to share tonight is don't be afraid anymore. Even though I have off days when my mood will be down, I constantly remind myself that fear is very easy to eliminate - and the more i believe it the more true it becomes.
I have a poster in my room. It says DEALING WITH IT and has ten steps to get over what ever it is holding you back from your life. and it reads...
1) Tell the Truth
Well that's nice, but how many of us really can say we always tell the truth? If I said telling the truth is easy, I'd be lying. Sometimes it's just easier to lie.
2) Face life openly
Whatever you avoid will imprison you. Be willing to try new things and open up even when you least expect it. amazing things happen when you never expect them to.
3) Say what you mean, feel, believe
This plays into being honest. Don't hold back. Be true to you and your thoughts. No matter how crazy or ridiculous they may seem. That's YOU isn't it?
4) Accept yourself as you are
We are made on purpose. never forget that.
5) Accept others the way they are
Careful when you begin to judge others (i'm guilty too). Because as harshly as we judge others will be as harshly as we will be judged.
6) Know and accept your weaknesses
This is a tough one for me. Admitting where I lack... i don't know, maybe it's pride or something. but i need to become more in-tune with my weaknesses for sure.
7) Stop trying to prove yourself
I love this one. we seek the acceptance of others and it's also what kills us. I once read that those who follow the crowd often get lost in it. go back to number 4.. we have to know who we are.
8) Let go of the past
PREACH. can't tell you how long I have meditated on this one. I mean seriously. prayers, therapy, books, I've done it all and I still struggle with it. But slowly I am releasing myself from the past every day.
9) Give up false expectations
in every situation we should remind ourselves: expectations VS reality. don't set yourself up for failure, realize when things are either too good to be true and/or too bad to be bothered with. Know what's in your reach and what isn't. To the ambitious ones like myself, recognize when your ambitions become pure fantasy.
10) Take responsibility for your life and how it turned out so far.
What you are willing to take responsibility for will free you. I have to remind myself that we are all humans and we all make mistakes. we all fall short and we all have to learn how to pick ourselves back up. When i struggle, I always find a safe place with my Mother. She knows more than me and always knows how to realign me. I thank God for her every waking moment.
Ok, i've released my thoughts for tonight.
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